Know the Law – Situational Awareness

Our excellent guest speaker John McAdam’s will be joining us at The Tewksbury Rod & Gun Club once again on March 3rd from 9:00am to 12:00pm to talk about Situational Awareness and Cooper’s Color Code & Self-Defense.

Jeff Cooper (1920–2006) was a U.S. Marine and a firearms instructor who stressed the importance of developing one’s situational awareness. Cooper stressed that you better ensure your safety by being an active observer rather than a passive traveler. The situational awareness approach centers on a cognitive or mental response to a situation rather than a stimulus automatic reaction. Simply stated, when you know what’s going on around you the better prepared you are to effectively respond to a situation. This session will incorporate a variety of sources including videos and real-world situations. You will learn and likely be entertained at the same time.

The cost of this session is $100 per student. To sign up, please contact John directly at or 617-312-0452. You must preregister to attend, payment will be collected on class day.