The Tewksbury Rod & Gun Club, Inc. is a non profit organization founded in 1957.
The purpose of this club shall be to:

- Promote the sports of hunting, fishing, and marksmanship; proper respect for hunting, fishing and friendly relations between landowners and sportsmen.
- Promote protection and appreciation of our natural resources.
- Promote educational, competitive, and social activities of interest to members, area sportsmen and the community.
- Support legislation favorable to the above mentioned, and legitimate private ownership of firearms, and to oppose unfavorable legislation.
Since its inception, The Tewksbury Rod & Gun Club has grown and prospered. Members have given their wholehearted support to vital Conservation and Educational programs.
Hundreds have graduated from the Hunters Safety Course, conducted under the supervision of the MassWildlife Hunter Education Program.
The club has an indoor, 8 position, 50 foot pistol rage, a function hall, an outdoor archery range, a 10 position, 100 yard high bore rifle range and a 16 yard trap range.