The Tewksbury Rod & Gun Club, Inc.
Approved by the Board of Directors & the membership on April 3rd 2018
Name: | The name of this organization shall be: The Tewksbury Rod & Gun Club, Inc. |
Purpose: | The purpose of this club shall be to:- Promote the sports of hunting, fishing, and marksmanship; proper respect for hunting, fishing and friendly relations between landowners and sportsmen. – Promote protection and appreciation of our natural resources
– Promote educational, competitive, and social activities of interest to members, area sportsmen and the community. – Support legislation favorable to the above mentioned, and legitimate private ownership of firearms, and to oppose unfavorable legislation. |
Special Clause: | The Club shall be a non-profit organization. |
Government: |
Section 1. The officers of the Club shall be a President, Vice President, Recording Secretary, Treasurer, Membership Secretary, and five Directors. All of the aforementioned shall constitute the Board of Directors and shall be in good standing. Section 2. The President shall preside over all regular, special, and Director meetings, and shall uphold and enforce all By-Laws and standing rules. He/she shall appoint all committee chairmen and shall serve as ex-officio on all committees. He/she shall have authority to sign checks in the absence or incapacity of the Treasurer. He/she shall vote only in the case of a tie. Section 3. The Vice President shall assume the duties of the President in his/her absence. He/she shall, with the cooperation of the Treasurer prepare an annual budget recommendation for each fiscal year after having assessed the Club’s financial situation, anticipated operating expenses, and objectives of the Club. Section 4. The Recording Secretary shall fully record all business of regular, special, and Directors meetings and shall orderly file and preserve all minutes, club documents, and important communications. The Recording Secretary shall serve as correspondence secretary when the need exists. Section 5. The Treasurer shall receive all moneys of the Club and deposit them in the name of the Club, except as otherwise provided under Article IX, Section 3. He/she shall keep records of all receipts and disbursements, and shall pay all bills subject to the approval of the membership. His/her records shall be audited by the Auditing Committee within the two weeks prior to the Annual Meeting and at such other times as may be ordered by the Board of Directors. Section 6. The Membership Secretary shall receive all membership applications, initiation fees and dues. He/she will keep an accurate record of members in good standing. He/she shall sign and issue all membership cards and shall remit to the Treasurer all moneys received. He/she shall issue Club keys to entitled members. He/she shall keep an accurate record of members in good standing and shall post a copy of such list in the Clubhouse. He/she shall enroll all new members upon payment of their dues and initiation fee, for a one year membership to NRA and, if a resident of Massachusetts, GOAL (if not already enrolled in the NRA and /or GOAL). An assistant to the Membership Secretary may be appointed by the Officers and Directors. He/she shall assist the Membership Secretary when the work load demands it. In the absence of the Membership Secretary, he/she shall take over the duties and take notes of the proceedings. Section 7. The Board of Directors shall manage and control the business and property of the Club. They shall perform their duties in the best interest of the Club and shall enforce and uphold all By-Laws and Standing Rules. They shall have the authority to appropriate and expend in any one calendar month up to $500.00 for general expenses and up to $1,500.00 to cope with emergency situations. A quorum of at least five members of the Board of Directors shall constitute a legal meeting. Section 8. Standing Rules containing only such rules of a continuing nature may be adopted by a 2/3 majority vote of the members attending at any regular meeting without previous notice. After adoption, a 2/3 majority vote without notice shall be required to amend, suspend, or rescind a standing rule. An up to date copy of all Standing Rules shall be posted in the Clubhouse at all times. Section 9. The general fund shall not be depleted below $1,500.00 for any reason other than necessary operation expenses or serious emergency which required immediate attention. |
Membership: |
Section 1. Any person eighteen years of age or older may apply for membership (Junior Membership is explained in Section 2). A written application signed by the applicant shall be submitted to the Membership Secretary. If the application is approved by the Board of Directors by a 2/3 majority vote, the applicant shall be admitted as a Regular Member on payment of initiation fee and dues. Section 2. The membership shall consist of four classes: Regular Member, Life Member, Junior Member, and Member by Abutment. Regular Member: is one approved by the Board of Directors, and has submitted all initiation fees and dues. Life Member: is any Regular Member who applies for and has been accepted for Life Membership per ARTICLE V Section 3. With the exception of annual dues, Life Members shall be subject to all rules and regulations applying to Regular Members. Insurance fees and assessments shall be paid before Life Members are entitled to use Club facilities. Junior Member: is a child or legal ward of a Regular or Life Member or sponsored by a Regular or Life Member who is in good standing or who is a member of the Junior Rifle League or the Tewksbury SCTP Program, between the ages of 12 and 18 years. Application shall be made in accordance with ARTICLE V, Section 1, except there shall be no initiation fee, and the application must be co-signed by the member who is the parent, sponsor or legal guardian. Annual dues of a Junior Member shall be $20.00 and payable in accordance with ARTICLE V, Section 3. Junior Members must abide by all Club By-Laws, Standing Rules, and regulations. A Junior Member shall have the same status of a Regular member with following two exceptions: 1) A Junior Member may only use Club facilities in the presence of parent, sponsor or legal guardian who is a Regular or Life Member, or a designated Regular or Life Member. A Junior Member is therefore not entitled to keys to the Club. 2) A Junior Member is ineligible to vote during any elections or changes to Club rules. Upon reaching the age of 18, a Junior Member shall become a Regular Member without payment of the initiation fee, pending approval of the Board of Directors, and payment of dues in accordance with ARTICLE V, Section 3. Member by Abutment: Any person 18 years of age or older owning land abutting Club property will become a Regular Member each year. This person shall receive a membership card, if requested, from the Membership Secretary. This person shall also be on the mailing list and shall receive the Club newsletter. If this person wishes to have a key to the Club, he/she must attend a meeting and fill out an application; there will be no charge. Section 3. The initiation fee shall be $100.00 and Annual dues shall be $125.00. Annual dues may be reduced to $60.00 if the member contributed 10 or more hours of actual work on club recognized projects during the previous membership year. The Life Membership fee shall be ten (10) times the amount of the annual dues or ten (10) times the amount of the reduced annual dues based on the members documented work contribution for a period of not less than five (5) consecutive years, whichever is less. Once accepted as a Life Member, the member is still obligated to pay their annual insurance fees. The annual insurance fee is $4.50 per year. All members in good standing shall be entitled to an Indoor range key. Notwithstanding, the foregoing elected officers and delegated officials shall be entitled to the reduced dues rate of $60.00 in recognition of their service to the Club. The Board of Directors or their delegates shall administer the provisions of this section. Annual dues, Life Membership Insurance fees and any and all assessments shall be payable on or before June 30th of each year. As of July 1st all non paid members’ card keys will be deactivated and may be reinstated by payment of dues and assessments by July 31st with no penalty. As of August 1st, any annual member wishing to be reinstated MUST pay a reinstatement fee of $35.00 plus required dues. A Life Member must pay his/her current insurance assessment. Any annual member who does not pay his/her dues will be dropped from the club roster by September 30th. Section 4. A member in good standing who enters the Armed Forces shall remain on the Club roster as a member in good standing during his or her tour of duty. Section 5. The Board of Directors, at its discretion, shall have the authority to reinstate a former member without payment of the initiation fee. This shall apply only to those former members that notify the Club of their departure by letter to the Membership Secretary. Section 6 Any member 62 years old or older who has been a member in good standing for the previous 2 years shall pay annual dues of $25.00. Section 7 All initiation fees, membership fees, renewal fees, and insurance fees shall be made via check or money order. Cash will not be accepted unless a written receipt is provided. The cancelled check or money order shall serve as receipt of payment. Section 8. The spouse of a member may apply for membership by filling out an application form and submitting it to the membership secretary. The $100.00 initiation fee will be waived. |
Article VI | |
Meetings: |
Section 1. The Annual Meeting shall be the first regular meeting in January of each year. Section 2. Regular meetings shall be held on the first and third Tuesdays of each month. Call to order shall be at 8:00 PM. At the discretion of the President meeting dates may be moved to accommodate legal holidays or other significant events (including weather). Where possible prior notice will be given at previous meeting or the newsletter. Section 3. Special meetings may be called by the President. Notice of Special Meetings shall be mailed to each member at least ten days prior to the date of such meeting. No business may be transacted at the special meeting except as specified in said notice. Section 4. A Quorum at regular and special meetings shall consist of five officers and twenty other members. A quorum at committee meetings shall be at least half of the full specified committee. Section 5. The board of Directors shall meet on the last Tuesday of each month and at such other time as the President may order. The meeting dates may be moved at the Presidents discretion to accommodate legal holidays or other significant events. Movement of the BOD’s meeting will be announced at a previous regular meeting and if time allows published in the club newsletter. Section 6. Meetings shall be conducted in accordance with Robert’s Rules of Order, except when By-Laws or Standing Rules otherwise take precedence. |
Article VII | |
Fiscal Year: |
The fiscal year shall commence on January 1st and end on the following December 31st. |
Article VIII | |
Nominations, Elections, & Vacancies: |
Section 1 Election of officers and directors shall be by secret ballot at the first Tuesday meeting in June of each odd-numbered year. A plurality vote of the members present and entitled to vote shall be required to elect a candidate. Section 2 The nominating committee shall present a slate of candidates at the second regular meeting in April of each odd-numbered year. Section 3. Nominations from the floor shall be accepted at three consecutive regular meetings preceding the election meeting. Section 4. Newly-elected officers and directors shall commence their duties at the first regular meeting in July following election and shall serve for two years or until their successors are elected. Section 5. A vacancy in any office, including the board of directors, shall be filled for the unexpired term by a majority vote of the Board of Directors. Section 6. A Regular Member is not eligible for an elective office unless he/she has been a member of the club for at least one year. Section 7. Only candidates nominated in accordance with the procedures set forth in the previous sections of this article may be elected. Write-in candidates are prohibited. |
Article IX | |
Committees, Appointees, & Delegates: |
Section 1 Standing Committees of the Club shall be: Archery; Auditing; Building; By-Laws; Grounds; House; Indoor Range; Kitchen; Outdoor Range; Trap.The Auditing Committee shall consist of three members and the By-Laws Committee shall consist of five members whose chairman shall be appointed by the President. All other committees will have as many members as the President deems necessary. Section 2. Appointments of committee chairmen and delegates shall automatically expire with the term of office of the appointing President. Section 3. Committees and individuals that handle club funds on a continuing basis as part of their function shall keep accurate records, make monthly and annual reports, and be subject to audit by the Auditing Committee. Section 4. Working funds or accounts necessary for operating committees to function may be established under Standing Rules. In such cases, the Standing Rules shall state explicitly the extent and limitation of authority, the control and use of the funds, and disposition of any realized profits. Section 5. A Nominating Committee consisting of three Regular or Life members shall be appointed by the President no later than the first regular meeting in March of each odd-numbered year. |
Article X | |
Execution of Contracts: |
Section 1. No contract or agreement to which the Club is a Party shall be valid unless approved by the Board of Directors and ratified by the body. Section 2. No member of the Club shall incur or attempt to incur any obligation in his/her own name for the benefit of the Club and no member shall incur any obligations for the Club, unless duly authorized by either the Directors or the body. |
Article XI | |
Guests: |
Section 1. Guests shall be welcome to attend meetings and use Club facilities, if accompanied by a member of good standing and is introduced as a guest. Each guest shall be encouraged to join the Club and abuses of guest privileges shall be controlled by the board of directors. Each guest shall be limited to five (5) visits in one year, except for Club functions open to the public. No attendance restrictions shall be imposed on an immediate family relative of a member in good standing provided such person cannot become a member because of age limitations. |
Article XII | |
Expulsion, Suspension, & Removal: |
Section 1. Any member, delinquent in payment of dues or insurance (see Article V, Section 2, Paragraph 2), shall be ineligible to use the Club facilities even with a member in good standing. Any member in good standing that violates this By Law is subject to a hearing with the Board of Directors. Disciplinary action may be taken. Section 2. Any member whose words or actions show him to be unfit for membership in the Club may be suspended or expelled by the Board of Directors and must return his club key. If suspended, the period of suspension shall be set by the Board of Directors and shall be ineligible to use the Club facilities even with a member in good standing. The decision may be appealed to the Club membership at the next regular meeting and it shall require a 2/3 majority vote by secret ballot of those present and voting to reverse the decision. No member is excluded from the provisions of this article and there shall be no refund in whole or in part of any dues, fees, or assessments paid by the member. Section 3. Any member in good standing that violates Article XII Section 2 is subject to a hearing with the Board of Directors. Section 4. In the event an elected officer is unable for any reason to reasonably perform the duties of his office, he may be relieved of office by majority vote of the whole Board of Directors. A relieved officer may appeal the decision to the membership. A vote by secret ballot shall be taken at the next regular meeting following notice of appeal. A 2/3 majority vote shall be required to reverse the decision. Section 5. Any officer or director absent for more than three consecutive meetings without cause may be replaced by action of the Board of Directors as provided in Article VIII, Section 5. |
Article XIII | |
Order of Business: |
Section 1.
Section 2. The order of business of a meeting in session may be suspended for the purpose of special business or program. |
Article XIV | |
Amendments: |
Proposed amendments to the By-Laws must be submitted in writing at the first regular meeting in February and shall be referred, without debate, to the By-Law Committee, which shall post a bulletin in the Clubhouse at least ten days before the date on which the vote shall be taken, stating its recommendation in regard to the proposed change. Proposed amendments shall be placed on the agenda and voted upon, during an adjournment for this special meeting. This special meeting will be held during the first meeting in April. Members shall be notified by mail or email at least ten days before such meeting. A 2/3 majority vote of the members present and voting shall be required to approve any amendment. |
Article XV | |
Liability: |
Section 1. The Club membership limits its liability in that no claims may be made against the total membership in any claim or personal injury arising out of accident or negligence of any member or the body of members. |