Range Safety Officer Class – February 16, 2025

The next scheduled Range Safety Officer Class will be held on February 16, 2025, from 8:00AM – 5:00PM. Requirements of becoming a range safety officer for Tewksbury Rod & Gun Club are to pass the NRA Range Safety Officer Class with a score of 90% or better and to commit to opening the high bore range at least (2) four hour shifts on a Saturday or (4) four hour shifts during the week each season.

The class is conducted by Mike Hebert (Chief Range Safety Officer) and the cost is $35. This covers the class materials and a pizza lunch. No profit is made by the club and all instructors are volunteers. This is a national NRA certification.

Anyone interested in the taking the class should sign up at the link below:
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Mike Hebert at >coach_mike@tewksburyrodandgun.org or 978-604-0745.