Ham Shoot

On Saturday, December 7, we’ll be hosting our annual “Ham” Shoot from 9am to about 12pm. The the raffle will held right after the Adios.

This is a great time for all, if you would like to try shooting trap, this is a great no pressure fun event. The fee is $5 per round, each round is a total of 15 targets.  3 shots per station, 5 stations.  Ammo is NOT supplied.

The Rules
1.) Every entry gets one ticket in the raffle.
2.) Special target hits earn an extra ticket in the raffle.
3.) 5 targets per station (15 targets total per round).
4.) “Backup” format – two shooters mount guns, the first shooter calls for the target and if they miss the target, the “backup” shooter can shoot at the target. If the second shooter fires, that is their shot for the round regardless of whether or not the target is hit.
5.) Shooting out of turn is a lost target regardless of the actual target result.