Cancelled: Know the Law – Women’s Only Session: 9am-11am

An Introduction to Self-Defense Law:  The goal of this session is to introduce you to the 5 elements necessary for legal self-defense not only in Massachusetts but in all states.

*** New date October 27 from 9am to 11am. ***

The 5 ELEMENTS: Innocence, Imminence, Proportionality, Avoidance, & Reasonableness

The legal use of force whether non-deadly force or deadly force requires adherence to all 5 elements. Break one element and legal consequences will be severe. Protect yourself by knowing the 5 Elements required to maintain your innocence. John McAdam, Ph D will visit The Tewksbury Rod & Gun Club on Sunday October 27th from 9am to 1pm. If you are interested in attending John’s session there is a cost of $20 (very reasonable). To sign up, please contact John directly at or 617-312-0452.

Members and non-member female students are welcome to attend this session.

You must preregister to attend, payment of check or cash (preferred) will be collected on class day.