Sign the Petition

You may have read in the most recent TRG Club Newsletter that the Governor and Legislature passed H4885 “An Act Modernizing Firearm Laws” saying it will reduce Gun Violence, Violent Crime and Ghost Guns. Yet within the 116 Page Bill, only 10 sentences out of 2,455 actually address Ghost Guns (Page 25 of 116)

This bill does nothing to address violent crime by criminals. It imposes no additional penalties for crimes committed with firearms by criminals. Instead, it mandates law abiding citizens to full registration of all guns, including muzzle loaders, enforces burdensome licensing on retailers, and bans magazines over 10 rounds, even prohibiting the transfer of those legally owned.

The law also requires a live-fire test, despite limited access to public ranges, state not owning and operating any public ranges, and establishes multiple government registration and tracking databases, including one for lawful gun owners and another for issuing firearm serial numbers.

Note: The legislature has provided NO funding to the government agencies for any part of this bill.

In order to initiate a Statewide Referendum on the recently enacted law. 50,000+ signatures must be collected across the state by the end of September. By initiating this, we are simply asking these changes to become a question on the ballot in 2026.

Locations and events are being be setup across the state at retail establishments, FFLs, sporting clubs, and public events.

We want YOU…the People… To Have A Say!

If you are a Massachusetts registered voter, you can sign the petition at The Tewksbury Rod & Gun Club on Tuesdays between the hours of 5:00pm and 8:00pm.

Alternatively you sign the petition Saturday September 14th from 10:00am – 3:00pm at The Billerica Rod & Gun Club. Or at Shawsheen Firearms during their normal business hours

Any Massachusetts registered voter can sign this petition, they do not need to have an LTC or be a member of any club. Please come down with your friends and family and have everyone sign so that we the people have a choice.