Spring Trap Shoot

On Saturday, April 27th, we’ll be hosting The TRG Spring Trap Shoot from 9am to about noon. Come down and kick off spring with a BANG! The ham raffle will held after the Adios.

This is a great time for all, if you would like to try shooting trap, this is a great no pressure fun event. The fee is $5 per round, each round is a total of 15 targets.  3 shots per station, 5 stations.  Ammo is NOT supplied.

The Rules
1.) Every entry gets one ticket in turkey raffle.
2.) Yellow targets hit earn an extra ticket in turkey raffle.
3.) targets per station (15 targets total per round).
4.) “Backup” format – two shooters mount guns, the first shooter calls for the target and if they miss the target, the “backup” shooter can shoot at the
target. If the second shooter fires, that is his/her shot for the round regardless of whether or not the target is hit.
5.) Shooting out of turn is a lost target regardless of the actual target result.

Basic Firearms Safety Course

The Tewksbury Rod & Gun Club will hold a NRA/MA certified Basic Firearms Safety course on April 20, 2024. If you are interested in taking the course, please contact us at firearmsafety@tewksburyrodandgun.org.

In order to obtain a License to Carry (LTC) a Firearm in the state of Massachusetts, you are required to attend a basic firearms training course. This course is accepted by the state and a certificate will be issued to you as proof of completion.

Instructors will provide hands on learning in the following areas:

  • safe firearm handling
  • firearm parts and operation
  • ammunition and its function
  • shooting fundamentals
  • how to select, clean and store a firearm
  • live fire practical in the club’s indoor range

Schedule: 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Please arrive 15 minutes early to sign in.

Maximum Enrollment: 10 (note: your check will not be deposited until the date of the class and will be returned to you if you cannot attend)

The cost of the course, which includes training materials and the use of club provided firearms, is $125. If you are club member, the fee is reduced to $85. Coffee & donuts, along with a hot dog lunch will be provided.

Enrollment will only be confirmed upon receipt of payment. In order to obtain a License to Carry (LTC) a Firearm in the state of Massachusetts, you are required to attend a basic firearms training course. This course is accepted by the state and a certificate will be issued to you as proof of completion.

The Tewksbury Rod & Gun Club is dedicated to promote firearm safety.

Pistol Marksmanship

The Tewksbury Rod & Gun Club is holding a free pistol marksmanship class on Sunday March 17, 2024 from 8:30am to 10:30am.  This class is open to all club members.  Students are encouraged to bring a pistol they already own or have access to a pistol they can legally use during the class.  Students are expected to be familiar with safe handling and operation of any pistol that is brought to class.

This class will introduce and reinforce current club members to the fundamentals that will help you become a more accurate pistol target shooter.

The following topics will be covered: Stance, Grip, Sight alignment, Breath control, Trigger squeeze and Follow through.

Instructors will also be available to discuss the pistol team and competitive shooting leagues for those who might be interested. The lead instructor will be Mark Tenant.

If you are interested in attending this clinic, please reach out to Mark Tennant at marksmanship@tewksburyrodandgun.org or call 978-277-3050.  There will be a maximum of 8 students allowed, on a first come, first serve basis.  You must be on the list prior to class in order to attend.  A walk-in list will be held, however a maximum of 8 students will be enforced.

The class will start promptly at 8:30am, downstairs at the indoor pistol range.

Please arrive 10-15 minutes early to check in.

Once all shooters have arrived, we will start by each student shooting 5 rounds at a target. From there we will discuss the fundamentals of pistol shooting.  We will then return to the range for a hands-on practice sessions. At the end of the class, each student will be able to compare their more recent targets to their first target in order to gauge improvement.

Students are encouraged to bring the following with them to the class:

  1. Pistol (must be chambered in a caliber acceptable for use in the indoor range)
  2. Ammunition for your pistol (at least 100 rounds)
  3. Eye protection
  4. Ear protection

The club will provide any and all the above items, on an availability basis.


Class starts 8:30 am
Class ends 10:00 am
Limited to 8 students (Must contact Mark Tennant)
Targets will be provided by the club
Safety is imperative, any student in violation of pistol safety best practices will be asked to leave the class

Know the Law – Castle Doctrine

Know the Law series continues on April 7 from 9am to 1pm.

You have a license to carry.  You keep a gun in your home.  You are knowledgeable of firearm safety and you are firearms proficient.  Your home is sacred to you, as are your possessions and of course, as are those who live in your home with you.  You will protect your home, your possessions, and especially your loved ones from any intruder.

But do you KNOW THE LAW?  If not, you may protect your family and possessions, but will you protect yourself legally?

The cost of this session is $100 per student. To sign up, please contact John directly at KTLknowthelaw@aol.com or 617-312-0452. You must preregister to attend, payment will be collected on class day.

Basic Hunter Education Course

Mass Dept of Fisheries and Wildlife is offering a Basic Hunter Safety course at The Tewksbury Rod & Gun Club on Monday April 1 & Wednesday April 3 from 6:00pm – 9:30 pm each night.

This course is free of charge* and is required for anyone wanting to get a hunting license. With the successful completion of the course students will receive a certificate which is valid to apply for a hunting license in all 50 states and Canada.

This will be a Blended Course Format program where students must complete the online MA hunter study guide before attending the two-evening in-person Field Days.

For more information or to register for the class, contact Mass Department of Fisheries and Wildlife at (508) 389–7820.

Walk-ins will not be allowed for this course.

* Funding for the program is derived from the sale of hunting and sporting licenses, and from federal excise taxes on firearms and archery equipment.

St. Patrick’s Day Dinner Gala

Put on your very best green shirt, skirt, hat or tie, or whatever you have, because  its time to Party!

Saturday, March 9th 5:30 PM (Dinner @ 6:30 PM)

Tickets are available from Laura Veno. $25 per person. You may call her to reserve your tickets by email at functions@tewksburyrodandgun.org.

Prizes and a 50/50 Raffle are planned!

Mike Barry will be serving up his traditional Irish Dinner.

This event is open to the public, so bring your family, friends, neighbors, etc…

SCTP Smokin’ Clays

If you or someone you know has a son or daughter who may be interested in joining us for the upcoming trap season, please have their folks contact us ASAP.  The requirements are pretty simple. A child needs to be between the ages of 13 to 18, or high school grades 8 thru 12. The individual youth should be truly interested in “safety training” and learning to shoot these fast-moving clay targets. There is no experience necessary, male or female, and no club membership requirement for SCTP parents. We accept kids from all around our neighborhood, not just members
as well. Eastern Massachusetts and Southern New Hampshire have all been well represented on our past teams.
If you could be interested in securing a spot on the team contact either
Assistant Head Coach Mike Hebert (coach_mike@tewskburyrodandgun.org) or
Head Coach Wally Bristol (coach_wally@tewksburyrodandgun.org) for more info on how you can claim a spot and fill out the registration paperwork.
There is an informational family meeting scheduled for Thursday, February 22, 2024 starting at 6:00 PM.
The new season cost per shooter will be established at $640 per shooter in 2024. New and returning collegiate team members who cannot participate in the early spring training on Thursday nights because they are away at school, will see a cost reduction by an appropriate amount based on your shooting/college availability. All others will pay the prescribed tuition. This amount covers the cost of practice and competition ammunition, related membership fees, and ATA, MATA and target entry fees for several included New England registered ATA shoots.
The only other personal costs for new shooters could be your own personal eye, ear protection, and a shotgun. We do have two or three 12-gauge loaner shotguns available for you to use as you are starting out with us.
Come learn just how much fun it is to be on our teams and with our shooting pro-staff.
The team’s season begins with mandatory safety training in March 9 2024 from 9 AM to noon.

For the latest information on the team’s activities, visit us at our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/TRGSmokinClays

Know the Law – Situational Awareness

Our excellent guest speaker John McAdam’s will be joining us at The Tewksbury Rod & Gun Club once again on March 3rd from 9:00am to 12:00pm to talk about Situational Awareness and Cooper’s Color Code & Self-Defense.

Jeff Cooper (1920–2006) was a U.S. Marine and a firearms instructor who stressed the importance of developing one’s situational awareness. Cooper stressed that you better ensure your safety by being an active observer rather than a passive traveler. The situational awareness approach centers on a cognitive or mental response to a situation rather than a stimulus automatic reaction. Simply stated, when you know what’s going on around you the better prepared you are to effectively respond to a situation. This session will incorporate a variety of sources including videos and real-world situations. You will learn and likely be entertained at the same time.

The cost of this session is $100 per student. To sign up, please contact John directly at KTLknowthelaw@aol.com or 617-312-0452. You must preregister to attend, payment will be collected on class day.

Pistol Marksmanship

The Tewksbury Rod & Gun Club is holding a free pistol marksmanship class on Sunday February 18, 2023 from 8:30am to 10:30am.  This class is open to all club members.  Students are encouraged to bring a pistol they already own or have access to a pistol they can legally use during the class.  Students are expected to be familiar with safe handling and operation of any pistol that is brought to class.

This class will introduce and reinforce current club members to the fundamentals that will help you become a more accurate pistol target shooter.

The following topics will be covered: Stance, Grip, Sight alignment, Breath control, Trigger squeeze and Follow through.

Instructors will also be available to discuss the pistol team and competitive shooting leagues for those who might be interested. The lead instructor will be Mark Tenant.

If you are interested in attending this clinic, please reach out to Mark Tennant at marksmanship@tewksburyrodandgun.org or call 978-277-3050.  There will be a maximum of 8 students allowed, on a first come, first serve basis.  You must be on the list prior to class in order to attend.  A walk-in list will be held, however a maximum of 8 students will be enforced.

The class will start promptly at 8:30am, downstairs at the indoor pistol range.

Please arrive 10-15 minutes early to check in.

Once all shooters have arrived, we will start by each student shooting 5 rounds at a target. From there we will discuss the fundamentals of pistol shooting.  We will then return to the range for a hands-on practice sessions. At the end of the class, each student will be able to compare their more recent targets to their first target in order to gauge improvement.

Students are encouraged to bring the following with them to the class:

  1. Pistol (must be chambered in a caliber acceptable for use in the indoor range)
  2. Ammunition for your pistol (at least 100 rounds)
  3. Eye protection
  4. Ear protection

The club will provide any and all the above items, on an availability basis.


Class starts 8:30 am
Class ends 10:00 am
Limited to 8 students (Must contact Mark Tennant)
Targets will be provided by the club
Safety is imperative, any student in violation of pistol safety best practices will be asked to leave the class

Know the Law – Rescheduled January 21

Self-defense is a natural right. As a LTC citizen you have the right to defend yourself with your gun – if justified. The “if justified” is determined by the law, the justice system and the courts. If you are forced to go to your gun, there will be two fights: the physical fight and the legal fight. Make no mistake about it, the law of self-defense can be counterintuitive. Winning the physical fight is only half the battle since losing the legal fight can result in you going to jail for a long time. Be prepared not to lose the legal fight – KNOW THE LAW.

John McAdam, Ph D will be visiting The Tewksbury Rod & Gun Club on Sunday January 21st from 9am to 1pm. If you are interesting in attending John’s session there is a cost of $100. Please contact firearmsafety@tewksburyrodandgun.org to sign up.