Officers of the Tewksbury Rod & Gun Club:
- President – Jeff Blute
- Vice President – Rich Sorrentino
- Treasurer – John Kuntz
- Recording Secretary – Mike Hebert
- Membership Secretary – Patty Blute
Board of Directors:
Mike Barry | Rob Burke |
John Ings | Tony Tosto |
Committee and Program Chairs:
Archery OPEN | Bar Bill Sickles | Basic Firearm Safety Rich Sorrentino | By-Laws Mike Hebert | CMP Officer John Kuntz |
Functions OPEN | Grounds Roger Styskal | GOAL Club Rep David Chou | House Rob Burke | Hunter Ed Rich Sorrentino |
Indoor Range Tony Tosto | Jr Rifle John Ings | Kitchen Mike Barry | Newsletter Patty Blute Chris Bourgeois | Outdoor Range Mike Hebert |
Raffles Linda Chartrand | SCTP Wally Bristol Mike Hebert | Trap Emmet Millett Wally Bristol | Webmaster Chris Bourgeois |
Past Presidents
Year | Name |
2013-2017 | Gary Littlefield |
2007-2013 | Jeff Blute |
1999-2007 | Gary LIttlefield |
1998-1999 | Gene Moore |
1993-1998 | O.G. Elliott |
1989-1993 | Gene Moore |
1985-1989 | Mike Carroll |
1981-1985 | Jim Normandin |
1977-1981 | Al Franz |
1974-1976 | Mark Lebaron |
1972-1973 | Ray Brunelle |
1971-1972 | Quentin Risher |
1969-1970 | Gene Tosto |
1967-1968 | Ed Thomas |
1966-1967 | Ray Brunelle |
1965-1966 | John Greenwood |
1964-1965 | Ray Duffina |
1963-1964 | Al Shamas |
1961-1962 | Fred Record |
1959-1960 | Bill Martino |
1957-1959 | Paul Johnson |