Range Closures

Recently the Club has been in touch with the proper authorities, who have indicated that we should be shutting down all ranges (indoor and outdoor).

Effectively immediately all 3 ranges are closed until at least May 18th. 
Also as a reminder, the clubhouse is also closed at this time; no regular meetings, Tuesday suppers, or private events will be held at the clubhouse until further notice.

In addition, we will also be postponing the club clean up day, to be rescheduled to a later date.

Of course, we understand there will be some people disappointed that the ranges are closed.  We do hope this closure will not last past May 18th, if anything with this situation changes, we will be sure to update everyone.

Clubhouse/Archery Field Work Party

We are looking for small groups between 4 and 6 people.
Work Party May 9 at  9:00am

  • Remove old archery butts and clean up around the archery platform
  • Remove junk from garages
  • Possibly remove some leaves and branches around the clubhouse grounds (weather permitting)
If you are interested in helping, please sign up here: http://tewksburyrodandgun.org/wp/work-parties/?sheet_id=7
All volunteers: please exercise good social distancing and wearing a mask and gloves where appropriate.  During the work on projects, we ask you that tools are not shared between individuals.
Thank you,

High Bore Work Party

We are looking for small groups between 4 and 6 people.
High Bore – Work Party May 3rd at  8:00am

  • Tree/brush trimming along the right side of range
  • Remove tree/brush trimmings from right side of range
  • Remove leaves from highbore range
  • Remove trash on side of highbore range
  • Remove debris from target line
If you are interested in helping, please sign up here: http://tewksburyrodandgun.org/wp/work-parties/?sheet_id=6
All volunteers: please exercise good social distancing and wearing a mask and gloves where appropriate.  During the work on projects, we ask you that tools are not shared between individuals.
Thank you,

Basic Firearm Safety Class – Cancelled

As you are aware on March 22, 2020, Governor Charlie Baker ordered that all businesses and organizations not providing “COVID-19 Essential Services” to close their physical workplaces and facilities to workers, customers and the public as of noon on March 24th until noon on April 7th. As of March 31st, this has been extended til May 4th.

BFS Instructors are not approved to instruct any firearms training with respect to 515 CMR 3.00 & 6.00 whether in person or through virtual training.

Because of this we’ve made the difficult decision to cancel the April 11th class.

We do apologize for having to cancel this class, however during these unique times, we feel it is the most appropriate action to take.

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me at anytime.
– Rich Sorrentino firearmsafety@tewksburyrodandgun.org

Basic Firearm Safety Class – Cancelled

Given the growing concerns around COVID-19, Governor Baker has declared a State of Emergency and has limited gatherings to 25 individuals. Because of this we’ve made the difficult decision to cancel the March 28th Basic Firearm Safety Class. Tentatively our next class is April 11th.

We do apologize for having to cancel this class, however during these unique times, we feel it is the most appropriate action to take.

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me at anytime.
– Rich Sorrentino firearmsafety@tewksburyrodandgun.org

Junior Rifle Program March/April – Cancelled

Given the growing concerns around COVID-19, Governor Baker has declared a State of Emergency and has limited gatherings to 25 individuals.  Because of this we’ve made the difficult decision to cancel the March and April Junior Rifle Program classes.  If you have any questions about the program, please contact Dana Crowe (603) 420-8260 or Bradley Stevenson (978) 658-5488.

The Sportsmen's Dinner

Our first time Sportsmen’s Dinner was a huge success.  We featured a wonderful buffet, along with raffles, a 50/50 and good times.  From all accounts the members enjoyed themselves and are already looking forward to next year’s event. 
A massive thank you to the following people, with whom without you, this event could not have been a success:

Dana Berkley
Jeff Blute
Patty Blute
Wally Bristol
Dana Crowe
Lori Crowe
Donna Haas
John Haas
Billy Janson
Dawn Marie Janson
Brian Keefe
Gerry Keefe
John Kuntz
Paul Ringwood
Jerry Shaffer
Billy Sickles
Michelle Sorrentino
Rich Sorrentino

Also a very BIG thank you to all the volunteers who helped with clean up and put away all the tables and chairs.

We have some pictures of the event here: The Sportsmen’s Dinner 2020

Basic Firearms Safety Course

The Tewksbury Rod & Gun Club will hold an NRA/MA certified Basic Firearms Safety course on February 15, 2020. If you are interested in taking the course, please contact us at firearmsafety@tewksburyrodandgun.org.

In order to obtain a License to Carry (LTC) a Firearm in the state of Massachusetts, you are required to attend a basic firearms training course. This course is accepted by the state and a certificate will be issued to you as proof of completion.

Instructors will provide hands on learning in the following areas:

  • safe firearm handling
  • firearm parts and operation
  • ammunition and its function
  • shooting fundamentals
  • how to select, clean and store a firearm
  • live fire practical in the club’s indoor range

Schedule: 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Please arrive 15 minutes early to sign in.

Maximum Enrollment: 10 (note: your check will not be deposited until the date of the class and will be returned to you if you cannot attend)

The cost of the course, which includes training materials and the use of club provided firearms, is $125. If you are club member, the fee is reduced to $85. Coffee & donuts, along with a hotdog lunch will be provided.

Enrollment will only be confirmed upon receipt of payment. In order to obtain a License to Carry (LTC) a Firearm in the state of Massachusetts, you are required to attend a basic firearms training course. This course is accepted by the state and a certificate will be issued to you as proof of completion.

The Tewksbury Rod & Gun Club is dedicated to promote firearm safety.

SCTP Family Night

The SCTP will be hosting their Family Meeting and Information Night, providing information on this year’s program, answering any questions and completing 2020 National SCTP Forms

Date/Time: Thu, Feb 20, 2020 at 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM (Arrive at 6:15 PM).
Location: Tewksbury Rod and Gun Club (79 Chandler Street, Tewksbury)

Click here for more information about the program.

If you have any questions before February 20th, contact:
Wally Bristol (Head Coach): Email or (978) 761-3899

Cancelled: Basic Firearms Safety Course


*** January’s class has been cancelled, please register for February’s class ***

The Tewksbury Rod & Gun Club will hold an NRA/MA certified Basic Firearms Safety course on January 18, 2020. If you are interested in taking the course, please contact us at firearmsafety@tewksburyrodandgun.org.

In order to obtain a License to Carry (LTC) a Firearm in the state of Massachusetts, you are required to attend a basic firearms training course. This course is accepted by the state and a certificate will be issued to you as proof of completion.

Instructors will provide hands on learning in the following areas:

  • safe firearm handling
  • firearm parts and operation
  • ammunition and its function
  • shooting fundamentals
  • how to select, clean and store a firearm
  • live fire practical in the club’s indoor range

Schedule: 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Please arrive 15 minutes early to sign in.

Maximum Enrollment: 10 (note: your check will not be deposited until the date of the class and will be returned to you if you cannot attend)

The cost of the course, which includes training materials and the use of club provided firearms, is $125. If you are club member, the fee is reduced to $85. Coffee & donuts, along with a hotdog lunch will be provided.

Enrollment will only be confirmed upon receipt of payment. In order to obtain a License to Carry (LTC) a Firearm in the state of Massachusetts, you are required to attend a basic firearms training course. This course is accepted by the state and a certificate will be issued to you as proof of completion.

The Tewksbury Rod & Gun Club is dedicated to promote firearm safety.