The Junior Rifle Program has canceled the January 2 meeting due to Governor’s recent COVID-19 Order #59
Open to all youth (male & female) ages 12 to 18. Starting on November 7th at 6:30 PM to 9 PM, and then continue on the first and third Saturday nights of each month until May.
All youths must have parental consent, and have at least one parent attending the first night of participation for the rifle safety section of the course. Parents are not required to attend after the first session.
Any Boy Scout attending the course can earn (or complete) their Rifle Shooting Merit Badge. All instructors are NRA Certified and Licensed by the State of Massachusetts. All Safety equipment (eye and ear protection) and rifles are supplied by The Tewksbury Rod & Gun Club.
The cost of the course is a one time fee of $10, followed by $5.00 per night which includes range fee, all safety equipment, rifle and ammunition. For additional information please check our Junior Rifle Program page.