Pistol Marksmanship

The Tewksbury Rod & Gun Club is holding a free pistol marksmanship class on Sunday May 23, 2021.  This class is open to all club members.  Students are encouraged to bring a pistol they already own or have access to a pistol they can legally use during the class.  If a student does not currently own a firearm, we will have a limited number of Ruger Mark III .22’s available for loan, including ammunition.  Students are expected to be familiar with safe handling and operation of any pistol that is brought to class.

This class will introduce and reinforce current club members to the fundamentals that will help you become a more accurate pistol target shooter.

The following topics will be covered: Stance, Grip, Sight alignment, Breath control, Trigger squeeze and Follow through.

Instructors will also be available to discuss the pistol team and competitive shooting leagues for those who might be interested. The lead instructor will be Mark Tenant.

If you are interested in attending this clinic, please reach out to Mark Tennant at marksmanship@tewksburyrodandgun.org or call 978-277-3050.  There will be a maximum of 8 students allowed, on a first come, first serve basis.  You must be on the list prior to class in order to attend.  A walk-in list will be held, however a maximum of 8 students will be enforced.

The class will start promptly at 8:30am, downstairs at the indoor pistol range.

Please arrive 10-15 minutes early to check in.

Once all shooters have arrived, we will start by each student shooting 5 rounds at a target. From there we will discuss the fundamentals of pistol shooting.  We will then return to the range for a hands-on practice sessions. At the end of the class, each student will be able to compare their more recent targets to their first target in order to gauge improvement.

Students are encouraged to bring the following with them to the class:

  1. Pistol (must be chambered in a caliber acceptable for use in the indoor range)
  2. Ammunition for your pistol (at least 100 rounds)
  3. Eye protection
  4. Ear protection

The club will provide any and all the above items, on an availability basis.


Class starts 8:30 am
Class ends 10:00 am
Limited to 8 students (Must contact Mark Tennant)
Targets will be provided by the club
Safety is imperative, any student in violation of pistol safety best practices will be asked to leave the class

Club clean up day

It’s that time of year again, for us to all get together and clean up around the club.  Please come down with gloves, rakes, leaf blowers, shovels, wheelbarrows. etc on May 1st at 8:00am.  The more help the less time it will take!  Work off those hours!!  Please note all ranges will be closed during the clean up, as there is work to be done on each range.  We have plenty of projects to be worked on around the clubhouse, indoor range, hi-bore, trap and archery fields.

Pistol Marksmanship

The Tewksbury Rod & Gun Club is holding a free pistol marksmanship class on Sunday April 11, 2021.  This class is open to all club members.  Students are encouraged to bring a pistol they already own or have access to a pistol they can legally use during the class.  If a student does not currently own a firearm, we will have a limited number of Ruger Mark III .22’s available for loan, including ammunition.  Students are expected to be familiar with safe handling and operation of any pistol that is brought to class.

This class will introduce and reinforce current club members to the fundamentals that will help you become a more accurate pistol target shooter.

The following topics will be covered: Stance, Grip, Sight alignment, Breath control, Trigger squeeze and Follow through.

Instructors will also be available to discuss the pistol team and competitive shooting leagues for those who might be interested. The lead instructor will be Mark Tenant.

If you are interested in attending this clinic, please reach out to Mark Tennant at marksmanship@tewksburyrodandgun.org or call 978-277-3050.  There will be a maximum of 8 students allowed, on a first come, first serve basis.  You must be on the list prior to class in order to attend.  A walk-in list will be held, however a maximum of 8 students will be enforced.

The class will start promptly at 8:30am, downstairs at the indoor pistol range.

Please arrive 10-15 minutes early to check in.

Once all shooters have arrived, we will start by each student shooting 5 rounds at a target. From there we will discuss the fundamentals of pistol shooting.  We will then return to the range for a hands-on practice sessions. At the end of the class, each student will be able to compare their more recent targets to their first target in order to gauge improvement.

Students are encouraged to bring the following with them to the class:

The club will provide any and all the above items, on an availability basis.

Class starts 8:30 am
Class ends 10:00 am
Limited to 8 students (Must contact Mark Tennant)
Targets will be provided by the club

Safety is imperative, any student in violation of pistol safety best practices will be asked to leave the class

Monthly Meetings on Zoom

While we are still unable to gather all together in person at the Clubhouse, the board of directors do feel it is important to establish a cadence of meetings in order to provide updates to the body.  Our next virtual meeting will be held on March 16th, 2021 at 8:00 pm.  This will be a regular meeting.  The meeting link can be found here: http://tewksburyrodandgun.org/meeting.  This meeting is protected by a password, which can be found in your current newsletter.  If you haven’t received a newsletter or need the password please email: info@tewksburyrodandgun.org. It is our goal to have a monthly meeting using this Zoom link and password on the 3rd Tuesday of every month, until we are able to meet in person again.

Trap Clinic Canceled

Unfortunately Mother Nature has not cooperated with us, as the road to the trap field is still covered with at least a foot of snow and the field is not yet in shape for an enjoyable shooting experience.

We did hope that the recent “heat wave” would have helped with the snow, unfortunately it just wasn’t enough. At this time we will be cancelling the beginners trap clinic, originally scheduled for March 6, and because of various scheduling conflicts we do not yet have a new date.

We do apologize for having to cancel this class, but as they say “You can plan an awesome trap clinic, but you can’t predict the weather!”

MassWildLife Fee Increases

For the first time since 1996, the Massachusetts Division of Fisheries and Wildlife (MassWildlife) is proposing changes in hunting and freshwater fishing license fees to ensure the continued conservation of wildlife, fish, and plants in Massachusetts.  To learn more about these increases please visit: https://www.mass.gov/info-details/masswildlife-funding. 

To review a table of the fee increases along with information displaying the fees of surrounding New England States, visit this link: https://www.mass.gov/news/masswildlifes-license-fee-increase-approved

MassWildLife will also be hosting three Zoom sessions:

  • Tuesday, March 9 at 6:30 p.m. Join the Zoom session using your computer, tablet, or smartphone by clicking this link with Passcode 5eVN5u, or you can join by phone by calling 1-929-205-6099 and entering the Webinar ID: 812 2784 4202 and Passcode: 821502 when prompted.
  • Wednesday, March 17 at 6:30 p.m. Join the Zoom session using your computer, tablet, or smartphone by clicking this link with Passcode 2STLk1, or you can join by phone by calling 1-929-205-6099 and entering the Webinar ID: 848 4842 1647 and Passcode: 856477when prompted.
  • Thursday, March 25 at 6:30 p.m. Join the Zoom session using your computer, tablet, or smartphone by clicking this link with Passcode 1WWptf, or you can join by phone by calling 1-929-205-6099 and entering the Webinar ID: 834 6714 2939 and Passcode: 420963 when prompted.

Monthly Meetings on Zoom

While we are still unable to gather all together in person at the Clubhouse, the board of directors do feel it is important to establish a cadence of meetings in order to provide updates to the body.  Our next virtual meeting will be held on February 16th, 2021 at 8:00 pm.  This will be a regular meeting.  The meeting link can be found here: http://tewksburyrodandgun.org/meeting.  This meeting is protected by a password, which can be found in your current newsletter.  If you haven’t received a newsletter or need the password please email: info@tewksburyrodandgun.org. It is our goal to have a monthly meeting using this Zoom link and password on the 3rd Tuesday of every month, until we are able to meet in person again.

Monthly Meetings on Zoom

While we are still unable to gather all together in person at the Clubhouse, the board of directors do feel it is important to establish a cadence of meetings in order to provide updates to the body.  Our first virtual meeting will be held on January 19th, 2021 at 8:00 pm.  This will be a regular meeting, including our annual report.  The meeting link can be found here: http://tewksburyrodandgun.org/meeting.  This meeting is protected by a password, which can be found in your current newsletter.  If you haven’t received a newsletter or need the password please email: info@tewksburyrodandgun.org. It is our goal to have a monthly meeting using this Zoom link and password on the 3rd Tuesday of every month, until we are able to meet in person again.

Jr Rifle Program

Following the Governor’s guidelines, we are able to resume Jr. Shoot this Saturday, January 16th

Please be aware that masks must be worn, parents and children will be asked to stay upstairs when it is not their turn to shoot. 

Make sure to sign in and receive your lane assignment before doing anything else in the club house. We may make adjustments as we go to lane assignments but we want to make sure that we get as many shooters to the line as possible. Please be aware of your line and be polite to others.

Safety for all in everything is our goal.

Ways to de-stress during COVID

On Monday December 14, 2020 The Lowell Sportsmen’s Club was featured on Channel 5 (WCVB)’s Chronicle. Anthony Everett, visited with President Brian Campbell, and was instructed by Trap Team A Captain, Steve Miller.  Mr. Everett gained a quick appreciation for just how challenging trapshooting can be.  But clearly after some instruction and practice he was breaking those clays!  If you didn’t have a chance to see the segment, check it out here and jump to 1 minutes 27 seconds.  LSC was originally formed in 1913 in downtown Lowell, the club is currently located on 70+ acres in North Chelmsford, MA.  Trapshooting has a great social component, albeit very differently right now, but the camaraderie is stronger than ever.  Also like most shooting sports, men, women and youths are able to compete together, with many youths out shooting the adults!  A big congratulations to Brian, Steve and everyone at LSC, who did a great job representing our sport!